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Model Butcher Shop

Some time ago, the shop went through transformation with the help of our specialists from Sztuka Mięsa programme. There was no logically placed pathway before and a client was going back and forth looking for products. Zones were poorly illuminated and clients often came across difficulties on the floor such as boxes filled with vegetables or drinks.

At the moment, there is elegant blackness and shades of grey and brown that create a perfect background for the display of products. The communication with clients is well- organized, particular zones has become distinguished building their individual character but with consistency with the rest.

Clients come to this shop regularly due to amazing and fresh meat products. That’s why, meat zone was the most important area intended for the arrangement. Accordingly, a modern, comfortable, voluminous, cooling cabinet was needed there that could guarantee an effective display of these products which created a large assortment in Wojtek’s shop. Kolumba 03 cabinet has fulfilled its role perfectly because of a very deep display shelf (93cm).

Kolumba 03 is an energy efficient cabinet with elegant design. Deep glazing and transparent construction encourage customers to come in. Products look attractively and freshly due to the fact that the air flow has been optimized. It secures products against “drying effect” and allows owners to reduce losses. Everyday merchandising, that means preparing an effective display of products, does not cause any trouble because the cabinet is equipped with lifted up glass. This function allows users to keep it clean because wiping it in that position is easy. At the end of the day, cabinet may be cleaned inside thanks to lifted up sheet of fans.


PAVO - it is equipped with a practical combination of vertical display with traditional island for frozen food. All parts are based on one construction in one cabinet. PAVO may be customizabled using available accessories such as wire baskets or separators.

HERCULES - the whole family of refrigeration cabinets for drinks and dairy products that are very easy to adapt for the assortment that we should display. Adjustable shelves allow users to take into account the height of bottles. The cabinet may be open or with the door. Transparent doors do not cover products inside. That cabinet enables users to optimal use of space in the shop. It takes only 66 cm of floorage but display shelves are hung densely and their depth totals 40 cm.

OCTANS - a refrigeration cabinet that is perfect to display vegetables. Thanks to mirrors placed on the side walls and the roof, vegetables look more attractively. The assortment of this zone seems to be richer and more vivid for customers as the most eye- catching elements in the shop.

LEO - neutral cabinet that works best in bread display. Nowadays, the most popular model is one with glass doors and adjustable shelves as for the height and rake angle. This cabinet may be equipped with many others functional elements depending on the design of place.

SAFE AIR purifier- the novelty of ES SYSTEM K. A product, that was not in an offer previously, however, it has turned out to be crucial in the time of pandemic. The advantage of SAFE AIR over air purifiers used at homes is its high efficiency and class of filter. So far, HEPA H14 filters were known and appreciated mainly in medical sectors. Today, their effectiveness has been used in SAFE AIR industrial purifiers. Unlike other devices, SAFE AIR is safe for people and things inside and leaving rooms during its operation is not necessary.


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