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Refrigeration cabinets in bakery TARAN

Taran Bakery and Confectionery in Mielec is a place where it was possible to combine the sale of bread, cakes and pizza in one place. Until recently, the store did not look attractive and its layout was not functional. Together with a group of designers from the “Sweet Tooth” program, we decided to change the arrangement, and also the customer shopping experience.

This way the new project of the bakery's shop interior was created together with the refrigerated equipment. Refrigerated cabinets and store counters of our production perfectly fit the atmosphere of the place. Thanks to the use of different materials, textures, colors, patterns and most of all perfectly matched refrigerated furniture we managed to create a pleasant atmosphere in this place. We can find here white tiles with a modern and original pattern, the floor with a decorative rug, two separate areas (confectionery and bakery) and also area where pizza is prepared. The whole is completed with a portrait of the restaurant's founder - Mr Stanisław Taran hanging in the place of honour.

The presentation and exposition of all confectionery and bakery products is the result of ES SYSTEM K company idea, what makes the place extremely functional. We owe the freshness of the products in the store to the refrigerated cabinets: Carina 04 and Scorpion, and the appropriate exposure of bread is provided by Leo 03 neutral shelf.

Also the professional LAKO lighting creates the atmosphere of this place. Specially selected light colors emphasize the qualities of the offered products.


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