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ATMOsphere Europe Summit 2023

Once again ES SYSTEM K takes part in ATMOsphere Europe Summit 2023, where experts in sustainable refrigeration from across the world meet.

Our commitment to the development of innovative and environmentally friendly refrigeration solutions has brought us to join forces with a partner valued in the industry – Embraco.  During the conference in Brussels, we will present a case study of an innovative solution which due to the exchange of our technological thoughts and experiences, reached energy savings of min. 70% in a 12-flavour ice cream cabinet.

The presentation titled „Revolutionary, energy saving cabinet for effective sales and display of ice cream with a variable speed compressor” will be delivered by our expert Robert Pędzik on 20th of September 2023 at 3 pm GMT+2. Use of variable speed technology brings numerous benefits including significant energy savings, improvement of the acoustic comfort, precise adjustment of performance to the changing conditions. The technology is perfect for the HVACR sector where it gains recognition as the key element supporting efficient energy use and sustainable development.


INSU’ is our best example of a sustainability-oriented product. The hermetic construction itself ensures significant energy savings, the product is stored in drawers filled with glycol. Due to the closed cooling system and advanced parameters of the variable efficiency compressor from Embraco, energy-saving level in this product is impressive. The cabinet works based on the natural refrigerant R290 and is supported by the IoT solution – Smart Shop Control. The remote possibility to manage the parameters guarantees further energy savings.




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